A Letter from the owner

Anthony Reddick:

Reasons for Starting My Freight Brokerage

The reason I decided to start my freight broker business is to raise the bar on operational integrity within the transportation logistics industry by providing superior service and to create a fluid organizational culture through the cultivation of ethnic diversity.

Also, to elevate and maintain the highest level of operational integrity as possible.  

Throughout my time working within the industry I witnessed a lot of my peers who were drivers and carriers being treated in a disrespectful and dishonest manner. This type of unprofessional company culture is not something that breeds professionalism and synergy within the transportation logistics industry. 

I consider the drivers and carriers to be the backbone, lifeblood of the logistics industry. When the drivers and carriers are not treated with the professionalism that they deserve the integrity of the industry is not sound.

Working with companies that have a mission statement and core beliefs that do not coincide with the way these companies treat their drivers and carriers, made me want to create my own company. I knew I could do better. This type of partial behavior was consistent, and I believe that it hinders the operational integrity of the logistics industry as a whole. It is my mission to uphold and to bolster the operational and organizational integrity of the logistics industry by treating the divers and carriers with the respect and faith that they deserve. These actions of operational equality will only increase the productivity and organizational culture of my operation. We will set the standard on company culture and change the landscape within the transportation logistics industry.

Ethnic diversity is paramount to achieving a fluid company culture. Within my life I have witnessed firsthand the way some individual and companies have treated minorities. I believe that we can do better. Our company is dedicated to working with a diverse clientele base. We understand that working with minorities will help diversity within the logistics industry and give individual and companies the opportunity to succeed in this industry and in life.

Our mission to generate financial opportunity and a fair working environment for individuals and companies that share our same core values.

I started my own freight brokers company to build an organization so I can partner with and employ individuals and companies that have the desire to bring the best possible work performance to the industry, as well as to create an organizational culture of acceptance, pride and excellence. 

The world is going through a transitional phase and is getting better in the contexts of how minorities interact and prosper within the system. We believe that respect earned, is respect given and treating personnel and clients with respect and professionalism is a sediment that will take our company far within the transportation logistics industry. This was something that was just not the prevailing culture during my time in the industry. These discriminatory actions are detrimental to the industry and it is our goal to change the way business is done with an organizational culture of positivity and cohesion.

These undermining activities within the transportation logistics industry need to be brought to the forefront of the industries standards so positive change can occur. This will in turn allow clients and drivers that have experienced these things to understand that they have a home within our company that shares their same core values. Our company is dedicated to provide superior service and fair treatment through bringing opportunity to the driver carriers and companies that need it the most.





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